About us
About East Africa Boerboel Dogs
We are dog lovers and have been close to this man’s best friend since childhood. In fact, we come from a dog loving family as well and it is not surprising that we kept that love. As children, we enjoyed the presence of mutt dogs and they provided a great company and protection as well. We were then introduced to different dog breeds including Germany shepherd, Rottweiler among others and these dogs created wonderful memories and this led us to seek information on different more different dog breeds. It was until 2011 that South African Boerboel Dogs in Rwanda was introduced to us and since then, we have been in love with this great giant dog breed and as of now, we haven’t come across a better dog in terms of guarding, confidence, affectionate with family, loyalty and fearlessness. We brought the Boerboel Dogs in Rwanda from one of the famous dog breeds in South Africa whose parents and siblings were once champions.
Our Vision
Our aim is to raise, train and provide advice to lovers of Boerboel Dogs in Rwanda so that the high quality and originality of these dogs is maintained. Furthermore, we are looking forward to have the best boerboels puppies with in this region including Rwanda, Uganda, DRC and Burundi

Boerboel Dogs in Rwanda from South Africa
The Boerboel (pronounced [ˈbuːrbul]) is a South African breed of large dog of mastiff type, used as a family guard dog. It is large, with a short coat and black mask, strong bone structure and well-developed muscles; the head appears blocky, with a short distance between the stop and nose. Boerboel just might be the most agile of all mastiff types. These gigantic protectors were bred to help farmers in South Africa defend their homesteads from hyenas, lions, and all manner of deadly wildlife while also providing invaluable companionship. When compared to other large dogs, boerboels shed less, are easy to groom and have fewer health problems.
They are dominant and confident, also bright and eager to learn. There are don’t tolerate strangers and are very loving to the people around that they grew up with. This is a trainable, versatile breed, eager to spend time with their adored humans. The imposing boerboel is devoted to protecting the people and places he/she loves. Training and socialization should begin early, before a pup becomes a dominant adult. The boerbeol can stand as high as 55-69 cm (22-27 inches) and weighs 68–91 kg (150–200 lb).
At first glance, you might think the large, intimidating boerboel would make an excellent guard dog, and you’d be correct. However, this breed is equally known for being loving, calm, and family-friendly, especially towards human children.